NOTEs for 2019 event media personnel
Accredited media personnel for the 2019 event are highly recommended to join the race briefing meeting(s) when these are announced. Mostly what is valid for the riders is also valid for you. Please also note that as of this year, you will have a special media box in front of the stage where the rider presentations will be held as of one hour before the start of each stage. You will have an ideal spot for photos and you will get a chance to shoot video interviews with the top performers (top 50 men and top 25 women). At each finish, please follow the instructions of the technical event staff as regards your position behind the finish line.
We also do not allow media cars inside the peloton (i.e. behind the leading car with the race director). Please make use of motorbikes and at all times KEEP DISTANCE to the riders, not to falsify race conditions by allowing riders to draft behind your motorbike!
media output
Please find below a selection of multimedia materials related to our event. A comprehensive media press pack in PDF including CCTV coverage is available upon qualified request.
written press
Athlete Nicolas Raybaud (In French) All articles about the Granfondo Yunnan 2018
L’Expert Velo (in French) - Destination cyclosport vélo : Le Yunnan Granfondo China , by Nicolas Raybaud
Athlete Nicolas Raybaud (in French) - All articles about the Granfondo Yunnan 2017
Fiets Magazine (in Dutch) - 'Zo gaaf dat we allemaal dezelfde taal spreken' , by Renaat Schotte
video (YouTube)

Hello, World!