Get your Gold, Silver or Bronze Certificate in Lijiang!

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A novelty in this year’s Granfondo Yunnan is the introduction of three distinct finisher certificates after the last stage in Lijiang. Participants of the full tour long distance, who finish at least four of the six stages, will score a certificate. Those who finish all six stages will get a Gold Certificate, those who complete five get Silver, and those who do four score Bronze.

Mind you, this is not as easy as it sounds. We do have cut-off times that you need to take into account, and particularly in Tengchong and Lijiang riders will need to move on rather than linger around at the various checkpoints and water stations.

The finish closure times are already announced for each stage. Along the way, more cut-off points will be introduced, also upon request from the local authorities who are of course under pressure to re-open the roads for regular traffic. Please follow this website and our social media channels on WeChat and Facebook for details in the next weeks.

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Kris Van de Velde